Sunday, December 13, 2009

Unexpected Visit

Several weeks ago, Trista decided (at the last minute) to come for a visit with Jadyn & Jaren. They hadn't been to our house since last December, so it was a lot of fun! Sadie always loves seeing her cousins. It was a SUPER nice weekend so we tried to spend a lot of time outside...

Jadyn & Kinnick snuggling in the morning

Sadie & Jaren after bathtime

Our picnic at the park

Enjoying a bike ride

This is probably the best picture of these four cousins that we have to date... It's always interesting trying to have a photo shoot! (Jadyn-7, Sadie & Jaren-almost 3, Kinnick-almost 1)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Cute pictures... I'm sure those will be ones you'll look at forever!