Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Kinnick!

Kinnick's actual birthday was a hard day for me... For Sadie's 1st two birthdays, I was able to be off work for the day and we celebrated as a family by doing something fun. I wasn't able to take off Kinnick's birthday... this was really hard for me and my day started with a lot of tears. (I'm sure that being exhausted and pregnant contributed to my emotions.) As it turned out--we had a pretty great day.

We have a tradition of waking the kids up by singing "Happy Birthday" to them. Sadie was super excited for this! She climbed in the crib with her excited brother.

Kinnick dressed in his "Birthday Boy" shirt

I made football cupcakes for Kinnick to take to his sitter's. The kids hadn't been to the sitter's all week, so they were excited to see their friends and have a party for Kinnick.

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