Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sadie's Special Day

Thursday night Sadie did not want to go to bed--I think she was too excited. She kept saying "Sadie wake up." Marc and I both had Friday off to spend with Sadie on her birthday... It was a great day! Here's how it started:

We went in to wake Sadie up. (She was already out of bed cooking some breakfast in her kitchen!) We asked her what day it was and she said "Sadie's birthday!" We asked her how old she was and she replied "Two!" We sang Happy Birthday to her and then she wanted us to both lay on her bedroom floor with her.

Next we asked her if she wanted to open one present. Of course she was very excited for that! Her dad bought her this octopus bath toy because he taught her how to make an octopus "sound". She loved it!

After we got ready, we took Kinnick to the sitter for the morning so we could spend time with Sadie. (Although when we dropped him off, Sadie kept saying "Bubba go too!") We went out for donuts at Steve's Bakery (the best donuts in Streator!)

Next it was on to Bloomington to the Children's Museum. Sadie LOVED the water table. This was the first thing she did. After a while we tried to get her to see other things and she just wanted to keep playing here. Later when we were on the 2nd (and 3rd) floors, she kept asking "Where water go?"

This is one of those two-sided things where you can make impressions. We started Sadie off with hand prints and then showed her how to do her face. Marc and I were sitting on the opposite side of the wall laughing as she made little face impressions all the way across!

Next we went to visit the "hospital." Sadie looked very cute in the little Dr. coat (but didn't leave it on very long.) We never made it out of the "maternity ward"--she loved taking care of the babies (I wonder why!)

Checking out the cows...

Driving the tractor with Daddy.

This is a two-story climbing apparatus that Sadie decided to check out. I figured she would go in a little ways and then come back out. It was very crowded with kids and it was HUGE! Our little dare-devil made it all the way to the top and some kind school age girls helped guide her down and out the opposite side--it was fun to watch her! (I must admit I was getting nervous because I couldn't have made it in too far to get her!)

The last thing we did was paint. Sadie really liked this, although her favorite part was using the squirt bottle to clean off her paint.

Sadie was also very fascinated with the construction going on outside of the museum. She kept looking out the windows asking questions. We had to walk through it on the way in and out of the museum and she kept saying "What's that?"
When we got into the car we asked her if she wanted to go to McDonald's for lunch. She said yes but she also said "Go home and go to bed." What parent can argue with that?
(Her party with her friends was Friday night... more to come!)


Stephanie said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun!

Jenn said...

Sounds like you had a perfect day. Lots of fun. What a great idea to take the day off work to spend as a family! We might have to steel that one. The children's museum looked really fun we might have to check it out too.

Tim and Liz Casey said...

What an awesome day!! How fun for your family. Can't wait to see some more pics of Miss Sadie! I can't wait to see you guys soon!