Thursday, March 12, 2009

10 Things I Love...


1. I love coming in every morning to get you up and get you dressed. You're usually awake and laying contentedly talking to yourself. As soon as you hear my voice I see you looking for me. As soon as you see my face, your face lights up with the biggest smile and it brightens my day!
2. I love the way you will stop eating sometimes just to look up at me and smile.
3. I love the way you "sing" yourself to sleep.

4. I love the way you smile at your sister when she talks to you (even if she has just got done "patting" your head very hard or jerking you around).
5. I love watching you sit contentedly with your dad--he loves to get your biggest smiles!


6. I love the way you do animal impersonations--my current favorites are you penguin waddle and octopus (compliments of daddy!)

7. I love the way you yell "Mommy!" every day when I get to Miss. Jennifer's (both at lunch time and after school) and run towards me... until you get just close enough for me to reach you. Then you grin, turn, and run the opposite direction. (I also love watching you run as fast as you can--it's adorable!)

8. I love putting you to bed every night--your dad and I are usually exhausted and ready for a break, however, as soon as we sit down to relax we start talking about how cute you are and how we just can't get enough of you...

9. Obviously we don't like it when you are defiant (which can be quite regularly), but we LOVE the way you say "Nope" with a big emphasis on the p sound! (Sometime we really want to laugh at you!)

10. I love the way you love your brother. You are such an amazing big sister! It amazes me how sweet you can be... and so protective of him!

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