Sunday, August 30, 2015

Harry Potter

February 21:  True Confession--I LOVE Harry Potter!!  I loved reading each book and Marc enjoyed watching the movies with me.  I was able to share this love with my younger brother Jordan.  I have been anxiously awaiting the day when I could share these beloved books with my kiddos.  In November, Kinnick got a giftcard to Gamestop for his birthday and after going with Marc to purchase the Harry Potter Wii game for our nephew, he decided he wanted his own copy.  On our family vacation to the Dells, the kids ran across one of the Harry Potter movies on television and begged to watch it.  Of course I would not let them watch the movie without first reading the book so we decided to tackle book one as a family.  The kids were in love from the first chapter.  They were listening and comprehending (minus Carver) with fierce enthusiasm... and I was loving every minute of re-reading it.  I don't often re-read book because I have so many new books I want to read, but sharing these books with my kids has been so fun.  We finished the last 3 chapters of book one on our way home from Michigan and immediately began planning our movie night.  We were able to watch "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" the following weekend with Grandma Janet and Aunt NeeNee.  I wanted to have some fun treats, so the kids got to have "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans (Jelly Bellies) and witches broomstick breadsticks.  The breadsticks were not a favorite, but Bertie Bott's Beans are a MUST for each movie night.  Even Carver requests "I want my Bertie Botts!"  
We have now completed the first 3 books and are halfway through number 4.  I may have to re-read again to Carver one day but I am loving sharing the world of Harry Potter with my big 3 kids!

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