Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pictures of our House

Sorry to get your hopes up... I could more accurately title this post "Reasons Why I am NOT posting pictures of our House!" These pics were taken several weeks ago, so it's not this bad anymore, but we still have a lot to do... Dining Room

Living Room



Kids' Bathroom (at this time we still had 3 bathrooms and our bedroom left to paint... now we're down to only one bathroom-the smallest one!)

Our Bathroom

Our Closet

Okay--Seriously I couldn't handle this much clutter for too long, it's mostly taken care of now. The boxes that were in storage were unpacked and put away fairly easily. It was all the stuff we had at John's house that made such a HUGE mess. We literally stuffed it into our vehicles the best we could and unloaded it here (I think it took 3 "stuffed full" trips plus lots of smaller loads). I've been so busy with living life and trying to get our house more presentable that blogging has really not been a priority. I'm so sad that I haven't had more time to blog, BUT I am finally caught up on all my past posts and ready to move forward. Make sure you check out Christmas and my post about Wrigley. I promise I will try to do better and that includes posting some real pictures of our house in the near future! Also... stay tuned for Macey's 2nd birthday!


Jenn said...

I was a bit disappointed that you teased us with house pictures....but I can hardly believe you are even caught up with your blog. Excited to see pics from the birthday.

Stephanie said...

Loved seeing a glimpse of the house... can't wait to see more!