After we went to the
beach last year, I knew I wanted to go back... and I'm so glad we did--this year was much easier! We invited our friends the
Shinkeys and made a day of it. The kids had a blast!

Checking the weather ahead of time we knew that there was a 30% chance of rain. As we made it into the down town area it was raining and very dark looking. We decided to take our chances and by the time we made it out onto the beach the sky had cleared and we were able to enjoy a sunny (but not so hot) day. The water was cold but the kids didn't mind--they spent a lot of time swimming and playing in the sand.

The kids were happy digging in the sand with all the sand toys we brought.

They also liked playing at the water edge--Megan & Sadie made a water hole.

Clayton &
Macey had a blast. Clayton (not quite one yet) got braver and braver as the day went on!
Kinnick and Carson had a blast digging and building!
Macey was so much fun to watch--she loved putting her hands and head into the water...

She loved digging in the sand...

and of course loved eating snacks!
Kinnick loved building... he loved filling his bucket and dumping it. He also loved rolling in the sand.

Sadie loved swimming. She put her goggles on and swam around a lot in the water. She is becoming such a confident swimmer!

She also had fun writing her name in the sand!

Marc and I helped
Kinnick build a sand castle. He LOVED it! Marc helped him make a moat with a drawbridge. The water ran into the lake.

The kids buried Ryan--he was a good sport!

We packed a lunch and lots of snacks and ate our picnic on the beach.

After lunch we got to lounge for awhile while the kids played in the sand... loved every minute of it!

Of course the hardest part was getting everyone changed and all of our stuff to the car, but it wasn't too bad. Even though we had a car full of sand, I'm pretty sure we will make this a yearly event--especially now that we will be even closer!!

VERY tired kids--all three were asleep within minutes of leaving. We stopped at Cracker Barrel for dinner and enjoyed some time in the rocking chairs afterward... it was a perfect day as summer nears its end!
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