Monday, May 17, 2010

Macey--3 Months

Wow... time is flying by! I can't believe our little Macers is 3 months old.

She really likes to be on her tummy and is getting really good at pushing her head and chest up. She rolls from her tummy to her back frequently (but has not rolled the other way yet.)

She loves to smile and talk to us--and we love it too, of course!

She entertains her big sister and big brother constantly! They both love to talk to her and love on her.
She is beginning to bat at toys (although she doesn't usually get too much of chance to play by herself with the two big helpers around!)

She enjoys the bumbo seat and her bouncy seat. She is usually very content to sit and watch a ceiling fan or look out the window. We're still waiting for her first laugh...

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Love the new pics. Our babies are growing SO fast!!