Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sibling Love

Sadie constantly wants to hold her brother. She's doing really good with him--only the occasional attempt to whack him while I'm holding him... We are all getting into a routine (although we won't be able to sleep in any more when I go back to work!) I've had both kids by myself for several days now and we're doing well... We've even taken a few trips out of the house--I'm slowly figuring it out!

Here are some recent pictures of our two beautiful children:

"Bedtime Prayers"

"Morning Snuggles" The first thing Sadie asks for when she wakes up in the morning is her brother!

I ordered this dress for Sadie and it came in the mail yesterday. She carried it around all day yesterday and insisted on wearing it today! When I was taking the above pictures of the kids, Sadie pressed Kinnick's face against her chest and said "Eat Kinnick!" (We were wondering how long that would take... I'm just glad she didn't feel the need to lift her dress up!)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Cute! Love seeing the new pics!