Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Carver--18 Months

January 2015:
 Carver Loves... bathtime, bananas, wearing hats & boots, playing with balls
Carver had his first dentist appointment!  

 Carver gets into lots of things--he loves exploring, he plays very well independently, he climbs on things, he loves to run & giggle.
 Carver weights 26 pounds and he is 32 inches tall!
Carver goes to bed around 7:30 each night and sleeps for about 12 hours.  He also takes a 2-3 hour afternoon nap each day. 

 This kids loves to be with Mom or Dad and he loves to go!  Anytime we are getting ready to leave, he runs to the closet to get his coat and runs to find his shoes.
This sweet boy is such a BIG helper!  He loves to throw things away for me or put things back in their places.  When I ask the big kids to do something, he is often running to beat them to it.  He loves to get everyone's shoes for them.  He really is the sweetest!

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