Thursday, September 26, 2013

8th Anniversary

July 16th:  EIGHT YEARS!  In some ways I can't believe it's been that long and in some ways it seems we've been married forever (I don't really remember life before kids).  Compared to some of our anniversary celebrations this was pretty mild... BUT we did get our first dinner date with no kids since Carver was born (that in itself pretty incredible!)  We ate at the Shrimp Barn in Minooka.  I had been their before but Marc had not.  We had a gift card I won in an adoption auction (and it was close to our babysitter!) so I talked him into trying it.  He was a big fan and wants to go back for sure; however, it just so happens that on Tuesday nights a church Bible Study meets there... this really wouldn't be a problem except that it is a VERY small dining room... and they showed a video... and used a microphone... to talk about UFO's!  It was interesting for sure but we were able to laugh it off and enjoy our dinner out nonetheless.  

I am usually a BIG gift person but I did not have much time or energy to shop (or to be creative) so I made us a cheesecake...  Marc brought me beautiful flowers... and we enjoyed dessert together... the night after our anniversary... because we were too tired to have it after our night out! 

I am thankful that I picked Marc.  I love doing life with him.  We laugh a lot, learn new things and have fun together, and we make a pretty good team.  I have big hopes for future anniversary celebrations that don't involve hurrying home to feed the baby... but until then, I'm choosing to enjoy each Moment in Time!

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