Thursday, August 15, 2013

Waiting for Carver

In the days before Carver came I tried to get stuff done... and I tried to keep busy!  Sadie was at Spy Kidz from 9--4 each day.  My friend Lisa picked her up each morning and my friend Michelle got her when it was finished.  I was able to get some rest time each afternoon before she came home.  I also walked a lot... as the days got closer to his due date I kept hoping each day that he would come! 
Thursday, June 27:  My friend Amy came over with her son Nathan for the morning.  We walked to a park about .75 mile away from our house.  It was HOT!  The kids had fun cooling off in the water fountain...

Friday (June 28) was a rainy  day... I tried to clean the house.  Friday night we took the kids to see "The Croods".  We let them wear their pj's:

On Saturday (June 29) we decided to take the kids to the forest preserve for a picnic and let them ride bikes.  Just as I finished packing lunches, it started pouring.  I wanted out of the house so bad!  We waited for about an hour and the rain let up to a light sprinkle so we decided to go for it.  By the time we finished our picnic the rain had stopped.  The weather was cooler--perfect for a long bike ride/walk.  The kids rode the bikes, Marc and I walked.  We did about 4 miles of trails!  I thought surely that much walking should inspire my little boy to come out!

Saturday late afternoon, Marc had to leave to pick up my parents and sister from the airport.  He took Sadie and Kinnick with him.  I took a shower and cleaned the bathrooms.  Macey was watching a movie--this is what I found when I came downstairs... 

We enjoyed a fun night of pizza and dominoes with my parents.  They were planning to leave the next day so I was very hopeful that Carver would make an appearance on his due date!

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