Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Christmas Miscellaneous

November 28:  Joliet Holiday Parade

November 30:  Nick (our elf) returned and he wrapped up this box of goodies for the kids...
 Christmas Pajamas and a new movie--Home Alone Collection, plus hot cocoa, marshmallows,  and brownies!  Movie Night in a box! 
December 3:  Kinnick got to "host" his class Gingerbread boy, George for the night. They built Legos together and read books.

December 5:  One of my bible study girlfriends hosted a HUGE Chistmas party for the pre-school crowd (during school time!)  Santa came and passed out gifts to the kids...

December 8: Sadie got to decorate a "Grinch" for her classroom.
This was about as adventures as Nick got this year.  But he did bring Christmas pop-tarts on the last day of school--the kids loved that!
Yep--this happened, AGAIN.  With a little help from Carver this year.  Luckily it didn't fall all the way down like last year... Guess we need to invest in a new base--or buy a smaller tree! 
December 14:  Decorating cookies at Church...

December 19:  Sadie's School Party

December 22:  "I love snuggling on the couch and playing Wii with my mom!"-Kinnick
December 23:  Nerf Wars!

December 24:  Sadie helped make our "Christmas" monkey bread!
December 24:  Opening books on Christmas Eve
December 26:  Watching the Grinch and drinking Grinch punch while we wait for Grandpa & Grandma to come...

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