Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Kinnick's Birthday Trip

November 14/15:  For Sadie's 5th birthday, she got a trip to the American Girl Doll Store to pick out a doll and eat lunch.  We decided we would do the same for Macey.  We also decided we wanted to come up with a special birthday celebration for our boys' 5th birthdays.  After discussing we decided they would get an overnight trip with their dad to attend their first Hawkeye game.  We chose basketball because tickets are much less expensive and we wouldn't have to worry about the weather. 
Marc asked Andy & Liam to join them.  Kinnick was so excited in the days leading up to his trip!  Marc took off work early and they drove to Iowa City the afternoon of the game.  They were able to do a little shopping ahead of time and meet up with Andy & Liam.  They had hot dogs and sodas at the game.  Kinnick LOVED it--Every minute of it!  After the Hawks won, the guys got to walk down to the court and meet Herkey.  I'm sad I couldn't see my boy's eyes and expressions in person but I'm so thankful that he got to have this experience with his dad. 
They spent the night at Knopps house and the next morning went out for breakfast.  I think Kinnick loves breakfast almost as much as his dad does!  They did some more shopping on the way home.  

I can't believe my little boy is FIVE!  Time sure flies.  He is so excited to start Kindergarten next fall (and I'm glad I still have more time with him at home!)  He's growing up fast and I'm proud of the little man he is becoming.