Saturday, December 14, 2013

Dollinger's Pumpkin Farm

October 12:  This was a busy weekend for us...  Marc's sister Stephanie came to take Sadie to Chicago the marathon (to watch a friend of hers).  Our friends Tim & Liz also came so they could watch our friend Sarah run in the marathon. 
We decided to fit in some fall fun that morning and headed to our local pumpkin patch.  We got their in time for it start raining.  Sadie & Steph left and the rest of us decided to wait it out (while staying dry in the bottom of a play fort!)  The rain stopped and we enjoyed a bit more time. 
After Dollinger's we went back to our house for lunch and a relaxing afternoon of watching movies.  It was fun to hang out with Tim & Liz without having ALL of our kiddos to keep us occupied.  That night our friends Sarah & Eli watched Kinnick, Macey, and Carver so we could have a date night with Tim & Liz--that was such a fun treat!  We took them to a local favorite of ours--The Shrimp Barn.  They left early Sunday morning to head down town... it was a quick visit but a great time.

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