Monday, October 10, 2016

Lindsey's Last Chemo

February 16:  I had such the HUGE privilege of traveling through this cancer journey with my sweet friend Lindsey.  I'm so glad she asked me in the start of it all to come do a treatment day with her.  I'm so glad her sweet friend Jade organized different family & friends to send flowers to the treatment center at EVERY one of her treatments.  I'm so thankful that her HUGE smile and shining personality stole the hearts of the doctors, nurses, and staff who worked with her through this process.  I'm thrilled that she walked this road with honesty, transparency, humbleness, and most of all used this time to grow in her relationship to Christ and point others to HIM.  I'm so amazed that she continues to use this experience to encourage and lift up others.  I'm honored and blessed to call her friend.  She will never know (this side of Heaven) how many lives she has touched.  She is a hero.  An amazing woman.  This day was so special and one that I will not forgot!    

THIS smile!
Lindsey's Sister-in-laws made this awesome sign for her.  One of her favorite nurses made the banner to decorate her area.
Liz, Sarah, and I sent a basket of goodies!
Worship by Garrett and Adam
Tears of Joy at the sound of the final beep!
Lindsey, Jade, and Me

As each patient leaves their final treatment, they get to ring the bell--as friends, family and all the nurses/staff gather to cheer them on... tears of joy and applause of pure celebration!
Lindsey's "Cheering Section" for this final treatment--yes, we all had matching shirts on.  Lindsey's motto throughout this process, "We have this HOPE as an ANCHOR for the soul, firm and secure.  Hebrews 6:19"

I made these cookies for Lindsey to pass out to the nurses.

You must watch until the end of the video... Lindsey's smile at the end is so priceless!  She has always had (in my opinion) the BEST smile, but seeing it on this day, in this situation, with this music... Amazing! 

These words from our sweet friend Sarah sum this up perfectly:"This is one of the most beautiful videos I have seen. I keep watching it and crying, feeling the JOY and the HOPE of Jesus present in this moment. It's so evident. Not just because she is finishing such a long and life changing phase of this journey, but because of the music, and the cloud of witnessed surrounding her. I believe with all my heart that THIS IS CHURCH. Not a building. Not a service, but a community of imperfect people rising up in the midst of sorrow and joy. That beautiful Lindsey smile continues to inspire me and so many others."

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