Thursday, August 15, 2013

NeeNee Weekend

June 14-17:  Aunt NeeNee came for a visit in mid June and she logged a lot of time with the kiddos!  I loved every minute of "kid-free" time before Carver was born...

On FRIDAY Aunt NeeNee took the kids to Streator while I decorated cookies with my friend Michelle and cleaned the house.  They went swimming at Ms. Jennifer's, visited Grandpa Joe, and had ice cream at Time-Out.  They also had an interesting bathroom break on their road trip... I won't elaborate.  That night she had pizza and a movie with the kids upstairs while Marc and I hosted our mentor couple for dinner.



 On SATURDAY Aunt NeeNee kept the kids for the day while I took Marc on a fun Father's Day Date.  They went to Chuck E. Cheese, the mall, and Wal-Mart.  The kids got good & spoiled!  That night we grilled hamburgers and watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for family movie night.

On SUNDAY we went to the zoo for Father's Day.

On MONDAY before she left she watched the kids while I went to my woman's Bible Study.  They made a "wipe out" course in the back yard!

My sister-in-law gets an "awesome aunt" award after this weekend.  I really don't take her for granted--the kids and I are lucky to have her in our lives!

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